Real Value

Receiving dozens of awards for engineering excellence
and high level of technology,
Gifu Industry has been underpinning the development
of tunnel construction around the world with its reliable technology.

Receiving dozens of awards for engineering excellence
and high level of technology,
Gifu Industry has been underpinning the development
of tunnel construction around the world with its reliable technology.

Providing high level of products as a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world

We have been tackling the challenges of tunnel construction around the world with our expertise and highly advanced technologies cultivated for over 50 years. With out-of-the-box thinking, we continue to develop and provide various products that bring about innovative evolution both domestically and internationally.

Company Outline


Aiming to be a manufacturing company that can offer personalized service to each and every customer

We will faithfully observe social norms and respect human rights, constantly evolve through innovation ahead of the times, continuing to contribute to people and society as a "manufacturing company" based on our experience and technological capability. We will not only manufacture and sell specific products, but also face and solve our customers' challenges all together.

Our Services

Bringing Japanese Technology to the World

We strive to contribute to the society in more diverse ways by expanding the technology we have cultivated to the development of tunnel construction around the world.



You can view the catalogue of our products on the web site.

Catalogue List

